API DOCUMENTATION Last Update: Apr 2022

Dashboard Info

Show a client's (store's) account information:


The data to be submitted to the API is composed of the following fields:


  field   Example   Note
API 1.5 Required
user_id john1970 Required
user_api_key 1959caadac9b13dcb3 Required
account_id greatwidgets Required
type dashboard Required
most_active 10 (customers) Optional
customer_count Yes Optional
total_customers_this_month Yes Optional
total_transactions_this_month Yes Optional
active_campaigns_count Yes Optional
campaigns_per_day_activity 30 (days) Optional
last_X_transactions 10 (transactions) Optional
last_X_customers 10 (customers) Optional
Output Format:
output JSON or XML Optional. If not provided, defaults to XML
callback someFunctionName Optional: JSONP format
condensed yes Optional (No white space)
Applies only to JSON(P) output



  • The information returned is dependent on the permissions of the user. For example, if a user only has access to one campaign out of many, the total transactions, or last X transactions, etc. will have a lower quantity than if a user with more permissions made this API call. 
  • most_active: specifiy the number of most active customers to list
  • customer_count: return the total customer count for the account.
  • total_customers_this_month: return a summary of:
    • New customers this month so far.
    • New customers all of last month.
    • New customers last month in the same period as this month.
  • total_transactions_this_month returns a summary of:
    • Number of transactions this month so far.
    • Number of transactions all of last month.
    • Number of transactions last month in the same period as this month.
  • active_campaigns_count: How many active campaigns (affected by user permissions)
  • campaigns_per_day_activity: A summary per campaign of the number of transactions per day for the number of days specified.
  • last_X_transactions: Summary info of the number of transactions specified.
  • last_X_customers: Summary into of the number of customers specified.


Example PHP Request:

If you are using PHP, the $data array would look like this:

  1. $data['API'] = '1.5';
  2. $data['user_id'] = 'john1970';
  3. $data['user_api_key'] = '1959caadac9b13dcb3';
  4. $data['account_id'] = 'greatwidgets';
  5. $data['type'] = 'dashboard';
  6. $data['most_active'] = '10';
  7. $data['customer_count'] = 'Yes';
  8. $data['total_customers_this_month'] = '10';
  9. $data['total_transactions_this_month'] = '10';
  10. $data['active_campaign_count'] = 'Yes';
  11. $data['campaigns_per_day_activity'] = '30';
  12. $data['last_X_transactions'] = '10';
  13. $data['last_X_customers'] = '10';


Success XML Response (New or Updated Account):

  1. <response status="success">
  2. <most_active>
  3. <customer>
  4. <code>12345678900123456</code>
  5. <card_number>16846</card_number>
  6. <first_name>John</first_name>
  7. <last_name>Smith</last_name>
  8. <transactions>124</transactions>
  9. </customer>
  10. ...
  11. </most_active>
  12. <total_customers>
  13. <all_time>2845</all_time>
  14. <this_month>276</this_month>
  15. <last_month>498</last_month>
  16. <same_period_last_month>248</same_period_last_month>
  17. </total_customers>
  18. <total_transactions>
  19. <this_month>8905</this_month>
  20. <last_month>10567</last_month>
  21. <same_period_last_month>9025</same_period_last_month>
  22. </total_transactions>
  23. <active_campaigns_count>5</active_campaigns_count>
  24. <campaigns_per_day_activity>
  25. <campaign>
  26. <campaign_id>1234567890543216</campaign_id>
  27. <campaign_name>Points Campaign</campaign_name>
  28. <campaign_type>points</campaign_type>
  29. <day>
  30. <date>2013-05-10</date>
  31. <quantity>157</quantity>
  32. </day>
  33. ...
  34. </campaigns>
  35. ...
  36. </campaigns_per_day_activity>
  37. <last_X_transactions>
  38. <transactions>10</transactions>
  39. <transaction>
  40. <transaction_id>123456</transaction_id>
  41. <campaign_id>1234567890543216</campaign_id>
  42. <campaign_name>Points Campaign</campaign_name>
  43. <campaign_type>points</campaign_type>
  44. <code>12345678900123456</code>
  45. <card_number>16846</card_number>
  46. <first_name>John</first_name>
  47. <last_name>Smith</last_name>
  48. <date>2013-05-10</date>
  49. <amount>1500</amount>
  50. <redeemed>N</redeemed>
  51. <item></item>
  52. <description>Smith</description>
  53. <user>cashier123</user>
  54. </transaction>
  55. ...
  56. </last_X_transactions>
  57. <last_X_customers>
  58. <customer>
  59. <code>12345678900123456</code>
  60. <card_number>16846</card_number>
  61. <first_name>John</first_name>
  62. <last_name>Smith</last_name>
  63. <time_stamp>2013-05-10 13:14:56</time_stamp>
  64. </customer>
  65. ...
  66. </last_X_customers>
  67. </response>

Error XML Response:

  1. <response status="error">
  2. <error>Error message</error>
  3. </response>