API DOCUMENTATION Last Update: Apr 2022

Manage Transaction Fields - Delete Field

Delete existing fields used when recording customer transactions:


The data to be submitted to the API is composed of the following fields:


  field   Example   Note
API 1.6 Required
user_id john1970 Required
user_api_key 1959caadac9b13dcb3 Required
account_id greatwidgets Required
type transaction_fields Required
action delete Required
field_list custom_field_3|custom_field_4 Required
Output Format:
output JSON or XML Optional. If not provided, defaults to XML
callback someFunctionName Optional: JSONP format
condensed yes Optional (No white space)
Applies only to JSON(P) output



  • Only users with proper permissions can access this call.
  • Multiple fields can be deleted at the same time.


Example PHP Request:

If you are using PHP, the $data array would look like this:

  1. $data['API'] = '1.5';
  2. $data['user_id'] = 'john1970';
  3. $data['user_api_key'] = '1959caadac9b13dcb3';
  4. $data['account_id'] = 'greatwidgets';
  5. $data['type'] = 'transaction_fields';
  6. $data['action'] = 'delete';
  7. $data['field_list'] = 'custom_field_3|custom_field_4'


Success XML Response (lists ONLY the remaining custom fields added):

  1. <response status="success">
  2. <account>
  3. <account_id>test2009050502</account_id>
  4. <fields>
  5. <field>
  6. <name>custom_field_1</name>
  7. <label>Item SKU</label>
  8. <show>Y</show>
  9. <type>Text</type>
  10. </field>
  11. <field>
  12. <name>custom_field_2</name>
  13. <label>Tags</label>
  14. <show>Y</show>
  15. <type>List</type>
  16. <choices>
  17. <choice>Tag A</choice>
  18. <choice>Tag B</choice>
  19. <choice>Tag C</choice>
  20. </choice>
  21. </field>
  22. <field>
  23. <name>custom_field_5</name>
  24. <label>Kilograms</label>
  25. <show>Y</show>
  26. <type>Number</type>
  27. </field>
  28. </fields>
  29. </account>
  30. </response>



Error XML Response:

  1. <response status="error">
  2. <error>Error message</error>
  3. </response>