API Updates
- Documentation updated to reflect consistency between the v1.5 fields table and the PHP examples provided. The corrections were made to the following pages:
- Various fixes to the documentation.
- Added the an API call to be able to update a transaction that has already been recorded with based on up to three search criteria.
- Added a <last_redemption> node to the output of the Customer Balance API call.
- Various performance tweaks and fixes.
- Fixed an issue where under some conditions, batch transactions with the same card_number withing the same import data would result in duplicate customer entries.
- Added a new API call: Users - Remove from Campaign, to batch-remove a list of users from having permissions to access a particular campaign.
- Added a new API call: Users - Add to Campaign, to batch-add a list of users to have permissions to access a particular campaign.
- Added a new API call: Dashboard - Info, to display key summary info about an account for custom interfaces.
- Added an include_balances parameter to the Customer - Info API call to restrict the listing of the campaigns and their balances.
- Fixed the issue where renaming the "Addt'l info" field for customers in the Customer - Field Update also renamed the account users' "Addt'l Info" field.
- Added the XML nodes <master_campaign> and <two_tier_percentage> to the Account - Info API call return XML when the account is a two-tier account.
- Fix to issue where under certain conditions, customer records were not being properly created during Transaction - Batch API calls for transactions without matching customers.
- Added ability restrict by user_name the All Transactions report as well as be able to show the activation transactions.
- Removed the 32-character limit on Unique custom text fields.
- Fix to recently introduced bug where emails were being sent to the account owner when a new customer was created though the API call Customer - New even though the send_no_email parameter was passed.
- Added a validity (date) range to promotions which affects the following API calls:.
- Added ability to request that a Customer - Balance & History API call for a coalition account returns all transactions across all campaigns.
- Added the ability for promotions to have a custom "Promo ID" which affects the following API calls:
- Added functionality that allows the use of the RewardID (Campaign - Update Reward and Campaign - New Reward) field to specify a campaign and an amount to be accrued when that rewards is selected in the form campaign_id||amount. Ex: "1234567890123456||25.95"
- Fixed minor issue where is some cases, when a customer was registered through the Customer - New API call with a "code" and without a "card_number", the pre-existing card number would be replaced by a blank value.
- Fixed minor issue where is some cases, when a customer was registered through the Customer - New API call with a "code" and without a "card_number", the pre-existing card number would be replaced by a blank value.
- Fixed issue XML error messages that had numeric nodes (and which caused parsing errors on some recipient's programs).
- Fixed issue with the Transaction - Batch import of BuyX redemptions that assumed the stated quantity of items redeemed would always be one.
- Fixed issue with the "flooring" of point values for refunds which resulted in some cases in a negative (-1) balance.
- Fixed issue with output of large numbers which would exhibit precision issues as well as exponential notation in some cases.
- Fixed issue where a negative reward could be defined but caused an incorrect balance calculation.
- Fixed issue where in some accounts, certain fields were not able to be part of the undo-data for customers when importing transactions which have customers that don't yet exist in the database.
- Fixed issue with Gift Card ampaigns balances where the balance and the maximum amount that is allowed to be deducted might differ by one cent due to "computer math" issues with precision.
- Fixed minor issue with the undo functionality of imports in the unusual case where some pre-existing records had a blank/null entry in a field marked Unique.
- Fixed issue where users who created a new campaign did not see it in their Campaigns - List.results unless they had "all" permissions.
- Added the campaing creation date-time stamp to the output of the Campaigns - List API call.
- Added the card number to the email that is sent when a new customer registers through an API call / integration.
- Minor fix to the historical results across several API calls where Gift Card (Stored Value) redemption (spend) transactions were being reported with a flag of either "off" or "N" instead of just "N".
- Fix to the Customer - Search API Call where the functionality of setting the first custom field (custom_field_1 or "custom1") was not working properly.
- Minor fix to the Campaign - Update API call for Visits/Events-based campaigns to address issue where in some cases, an update to the campaign settings was not fully processed.
- The User - Info API call now returns the actions and campaigns the user has permissions to access.
- Added to the Customer - New API call:
- Ability to force 16-digit customer code generation (UID) instead of using the card number as UID.
- Added to the Campaign - New and Campaign - Update API call:
- API-only fields Latitude, Longitude, and Description fields for Geo-Fencing applications.
- The Customer - Info API call now returns an XML node if the account is a coalition or two-tier.
- Fix to very specific Customer - Find API call issue that was matching card numbers such as "11111" to others with leading zeros (ex: "00011111")
- Update to return the account creation date as part of the Account - Info API call..
- Minor documentation clarification to the following API calls:
- In each case, the name of the custom fields parameters have been clarified.
- The Customer - Info API call now correctly returns the coalition balance for campaigns that the customer does not "belong to" (ie: has no previous transactions in.)
- All the Reports now allow you to specify an invalide date (ex: June 31st or Feb 30th) and will instead use the closest previous date (ie: June 30th, Feb 29th/Feb 28th)
- After much work and many delays, the points and currency depreciation and recurring fee functionality has been added! The new calls are:
- Quick correction to the documentation in the Campaigns - List call, which had a <campaigns> node documented that was not being returned. Rather than fix the actual XML return which might break existing integrations, the documentation was adjusted to reflect actual output.
- Two new API calls: Token - Get, and Token - Validate, which provide a unique, self-expiring time token that can be used to authenticate that a series of API calls is performed by a user within a given time frame.
- The second part of this month's many upgrades and updates: 22 files changed. Over 2500 new lines of code.
- Large update! 35 changed files. Over 4000 lines of code changed. What for? To be able to export all those yummy custom additional fields (in both customers and transactions) as well as import/batch customers with the additional fields. Importing transactions with additional fields coming very soon! like asap! All this work however, changes only these few calls:
- Update to fix issue where Customer - Find was not returning customers with no transactions in any campaign to those users making the call that had with permissions to all campaigns.
- Fixed a misspelling in the documentation for Customer Search report: The "search_text" parameter had been misspelled as "search_test".
- The User - Info API call has been updated to allow retreiving informaiton on other users within the same account -- if permissions allow -- and also includes the ability to supress the permissions XML section/node from being returned.
- Several isoteric bugs have been fixed, related to the additional custom fields.
- The Campaigns - List Deactivated API call has been added.
- Fix to the issue where coalition Gift Card campaigns were not reporting coalition balances to allow redemption from a store a customer had not yet been to.
- While we were working on coalition and two-tier bugs, we added the ability for a points or stored-value (giftcard) campaign to opt out of being part of the coalition or two-tier programs -- This should allow agencies that manage a coalition or two-tier account to offer their clients (merchants) the ability to have their own points or added-value campaigns. This has affected two API calls: Campaign - New Campaign and Campaign - Update Campaign.
- There have been a lot of small updates -- mostly outlying bugs that affect unusual and specific scenarios.
- Of these, the most notable are::
- The coalition account merchant lookup of a new customer to their store by a child card number stored in a list in one of the custom addtional fields. This now works as intended, as long as the card numbers are separated by spaces or commas.
- Giftcard coalition reports now output without artifacts.
- New Customer Fields - Add and Customer Fields - Update functionality: Custom fields can now be defined to set as "ID"s (searchable) -- Normally, all fields are searchable with the Customer - Find and Customer - Search API calls. This setting is different -- It applies only to certain situations, like coalition accounts, where the ability to pull up a customer record is limited by the user's permissions. This field allows to mark a field as being like an "ID" field in that a user can pull up this customer in a coaltion account even though the customer doesn't yet "belong" to that campaign. In non-coalition situations, this would enable the user of Master/Slave customer IDs that allow multiple customers (family, businesses) to earn in a single customer account.
- Added the ability to define custom additional fields to customers and transactions. This has resulted in the following new API calls:
- and modifications to the following existing API calls:
- NOTE: Reporting, Exporting, and Importing (batch) of both customer and transactions do not yet work with the custom additional fields. This is being worked on right now, but by popular demand, we felt we could release the ability to defined and record custom additional fields as soon as possible.
- Fix to the User - New API call that required campaigns to be listed as an array which caused some problems in some environments. Campaign IDs should now be passed as a comma-separated list, though the old way will still be accepted.
- Fix to the User - New API call that prevented a new user to be created under certain conditions.
- Initial release of API version 1.5 -- Mostly involves the addition of Enterprise API calls, which are accessible only to Enterprise-Level accounts. Please contact us for credentials to enter that section of the site. Previously existing Enterprise-level calls have been moved to the new section, and updated with new credentialization parameters. Existing integrations depending on those calls wil not be affected for now, but if the methods to access them have been deprecated.
- Added an <earned> result to the Customer - Balance & History API call and an <earned> and <redeemed> result to the Customer - Info API call for Buy-X-Get-1-Free campaigns. More specfic explanations about these new results are found in the Notes sections of each API call.
- Multiple campaigns can now be specificed when recording a new customer in the Customer - New API call.
- Added a new API call: Customer - Generate Card # -- which results in a card number of a given length that is unique to the account.
- The Campaign ID is no longer required in the Customer - New/Update API call.
- The Customers - Information API call now properly returns only the campaigns the customer belongs to and that user has access to, rather than all the campaigns the customer belongs to.
- A documentation error was corrected in the Users - List API call: location_restrice is supposed to be restrict_location.
- The reporting API calls have changed slightly in their structure. The ID of the item is no longer the tag, but a subtag within. This way it does not violate one of the XML rules.
- The User - List API call now has the ability to restrict the listing by the value in the custom field (referred to as the "location" in the Dashboard, and shows as the "user_addtl_info" tag in the XML list.)
- There's a lot that's going on behind the scenes. We are working hard on a few new features but these are taking a bit longer than anticipated (what in software development doesn't!?)
- In the meantime, and by popular request, we have made the existing reports available to the API. We'll have a more robust reporting engine in the near future, but for now, these are the available reports:
- Audit Reports
- Marketing Reports
- The Depreciation feature is out of Beta an is now available to everyone. Four new API calls have been implemented to support it:
- Balances for campaigns that have depreciations defined are automatically calculated.
- The Customer - Search now has a parameter that allows you to sepcify if the search is to be an exact match and case-sensitive or not.
- Updated the User validation for coalition and two-tier accounts: For those type of accounts a user's PIN must have a subset of matching permissions to the user (Manager, usually) that is making the validation call. This is address the issue that in those accounts, the campaigns are individual stores and random PIN entry could result in unwanted cross-store (campaign) login.
- Fixed a couple minor bugs on the User - Update API call:
- The call now does not allow user PINs to have duplicates in the same account.
- The call now does not require some parameters that were marked "optional".
- Fixed a couple issues with the Customer - Search API call: The call now properly searches by customer_username, and the customer_username is also now properly returned in the search results.
- We've been doing a lot of under-the-hood tweaking to prepare for the additional customer fields capability and the new reporting API. Mainly, the API code has been finally separated from the original web service code, resulting in lighter and faster loads for both. As a result, some API calls have been renamed to keep a more consistent naming convention, while the old names will still work for backward compatibility to existing applications and deployments. The affected / updated calls are:
- Added new "keep_which" parameter to the Card - Replace call in the case where a new_code matches an existing code (which must be unique) in order to select which customer data record to keep.
- Added new API call: User - Delete.
- Added new "check_override" parameter to Card - Replace call to allow "card_replace" call to be used to join two cards into one.
- Update to the two non-public API calls for user login and PIN validation: Removed restriction for only manager-level users to login via this API call. Instead, only Manager-level and above users can make the PIN validation API call. This is a subtle but important change as it allows users to be able to login to front-end apps without knowing their API keys, but allows only Manager-level and above users to retrieve other users' API keys.
- Upon request, the API call: Account - Info is no longer restricted to Admin-level only users.
- Added a new result parameter <registered> to the API call: Customer Info.
- Added a two new API calls specific to Terminals and frontend applications:
- A way for a user to login without prior knowledge of their API key.
- A way for a user to login using only their PIN (requires prior login by manager-level user).
- These two calls are not public. Please contact us for details and documentation.
- Modified the Customer - Search call to search matches of the parameter(s) given if those parameters are PARTIAL matches rather than FULL matches. For example, a search for a customer called "John" will now also match a record with "Johnny".
- Added the ability in the Customer - Search call to search by <card_number>. With the modification above, you can now search for partial matches in the card_number field.
- Fixed a bug in the Customer Balance & History call where the cumulative balance on Buy X Get 1 Free campaign was omitted if the balance for that item was zero due to no transactions.
- Added Coalition and Two-Tier functionality to the application that is reflected on the API results. Transactions, individual and in batch, properly record to the apropriate campaigns, and balances and transaction details properly return coalition and two-tier data. Note: Coalition and Two-Tier account functionality can only be accessed with an Activation Code provided at an additional fee.
- Added some additional details to:
- Added some of the new API-only customer fields to the Card Replace API call.
- Added available rewards to the Customer - Information API call for points, events, and buyX type of campaigns.
- Added a customer_action ("new" or "edit") parameter to the New/Update Customer call in order to separate intentional updates to a customer's information from new customers with matching card numbers overwriting exiting customers. Not specifying this parameter defaults to "new". Please change any existing "update customer info" code to include this new parameter. No need to change existing "new customer" API calls.
- Added a type_restrict parameter to the Campaigns List call in order to restrict the list of campaigns to the type(s) wanted.
- Added a Users List call, which lists all authorized users of the account, their information, role level, and allowed campaigns.
- Added program ratios to the output of the Campaigns List call.
- The Activate Account call now allows activation of trial accounts for those agencies that do not allow clients to automatically pass the 10-customer trial status.
- Clarification on the Overview page of the location of the API and the URL used to access it and some minor updates to the PHP cURL example on the page, making it a function that returns an XML object.
- Correction: Balance & History call XML output corrected - the <1></1> <2></2> ... transactions tags have been replace with the properly parsed <transaction></transaction> tag pair.
New calls: